Age of Chivalry: Hegemony Wiki

The Guelfi support the papacy in their struggle against the emperor and focus on light cavalry in stead of knights dubbed by their enemies. This is a policy decision for Genoa, which shifts the priorities of Genoese cavalrymen from power to speed. Knightly cavalry are disabled, but light cavalry receive +10 HP and a speed bost. With this tech, Genoese hobelars (or Berrioveren) become the fastest units in the game (except for some heroes).

Technology Statistics[]

Available to: Genoa

Researched at: Town Hall

Requires: -

Century: 14th

Cost: 50 Food , 100 Florins

Effect: Disables Knightly Cavalry , Light Cavalry +10 HP, faster

Historical Background[]

The Guelphs and Ghibellines were factions supporting, respectively, the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor in central and northern Italy. During the 12th and 13th centuries, the split between these two parties was a particularly important aspect of the internal policy of the Italian city-states. The struggle for power between the Papacy and the Holy Roman Empire had arisen with the Investiture Conflict which began in 1075 and ended with the Concordat of Worms in 1122, but the division between Guelphs and Ghibellines in Italy persisted to the 15th century.
